Welcome to My World

Regardless of where we are, life comes at us. If we want to cherish the moments, they tend to pass us by faster than we can savor them. If we would rather skip a day, it seems to linger endlessly. But life is what it is, and we have to make the most of what we have and focus on the good aspects, large or small, to truly relish our life.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Light of Everything Else

I guess we all have our share of troubles now and then, some more than others.  There seems to be a whole lot of darkness in the world right now, and people are going through tough times all around.  I have been struggling with this respiratory infection that refuses to go away, but I am not the only one having a difficult time.  I have heard many other things that could be worse.  I have many friends and aquaintances that are struggling all around me.  I have friends whose husbands who have lost their jobs in this economy, friends with marriages in shambles, friends with physical ailments such as fibromyalgia or undergoing chemotherapy.  I have several friends with sets of twins who needing better housing.

Other than my health troubles, I have worms in my pumpkins.  These are the very pumpkins that we planted as seeds back in March.  Nathaniel loves pumpkins and has been enthralled every time a new pumpkin starts growing on the vines; but we keep battling worms.  Just this last week, the kids have been all excited because we have two little pumpkins growing.  But when I checked on them yesterday, my heart sank, for there, digging holes and crawling on the small gourds, were worms and caterpillars.  There will be no eating these pumpkins for us.

The children were dismayed.  They were hoping to finally get to eat a precious homemade pumpkin pie!  But these little garden creatures have ruined the treat for them.  These little worms had made holes in the fruit of the vine and ruined them.  They were damaged, no longer edible for human consumption.  How can something smaller than the width of a pinkie nail cause so much damage?

I've heard a wise saying, "it's the little foxes that ruin the vines."  It's the little things that add up that cause so much trouble.  It's all the little said and unsaid things that bring trouble to a marriage.  It's the little cells that mutate and cause cancer.  It's the little dollars and cents that add up that cause economic problems.  It's all about the little things.

Life is full of little things, and we have to be diligent to be after them, to keep them from taking hold and totally destroying us.  Sometimes it may take preemptive measures, like a little pesticide, or exercising right, or just saying, "I love you," every day.  And sometimes, no matter how much we try to protect against them, the worms still come at us.  That is where we gather with one another and fight against them.  We pick one another up, pull those little life suckers out, and throw them far away, so they can't get inside any more.  We hold someone else's hand just to show that we care, that we are here for each other.  And we REJOICE when the little invaders have been defeated!

In light of the friends, the supporters, the loved ones I have, those little worms are nothing.  Trivial?  No, for they must be dealt with so they don't cause larger problems.  But with those around me helping me to overcome and being my rear guard, we can toss them away, so far that they can't come crawling back to hurt us.  My exhaustion, the coughing, the headaches....are still here, but I can smile anyway and hold my head up high because I know there are others out there enduring...and we hold on to each other and smile, for we will overcome!

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what I was talking to you about before. Focus on one small story and then turn it at the end into the profound. Excellent!


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