Welcome to My World

Regardless of where we are, life comes at us. If we want to cherish the moments, they tend to pass us by faster than we can savor them. If we would rather skip a day, it seems to linger endlessly. But life is what it is, and we have to make the most of what we have and focus on the good aspects, large or small, to truly relish our life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Bang? Sure

Having four young children, it's so easy to get caught up in all the noise that goes on around me.  I hear their laughter, their squabbling, their running, their jumping, and their rough-housing.  I don't really hear everything around me because I tune other things out.  But when all is silent, when the children are in bed, or they have been quietly playing outside, I hear the emptiness.  And when, in the middle of all the stillness, something happens, I hear it pointedly.

Have you ever been awake late at night, trying to get some last minute housecleaning done while everyone else is in bed?  Do you remember a time when you were putting away dishes, like a pan, and something just slipped out of your fingers?  For some reason, in that instant, several other dishes chose to slide around, making a loud clanging sound that you were certain was going to wake up the entire neighborhood, or at least everyone in your home.

There has been a huge debate over the last sixty years or so between creationists and evolutionists.  Creationists, those who believe that the Bible gives a true account of how the world began, who belive in Intelligent Design by an almighty creator, believe that God created the heavens and the earth.  Most evolutionists believe that there was nothing and then out of nothing came this big boom, the Big Bang Theory, they call it, from whence came everything else that slowly evolved into the universe as we now see it.  There are two camps of thought here, seemingly without any compromise.

But let me take you through something today, if you will allow me.  I'm going to address this issue in a different light.  Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  Very clearly stated here, is the foundation for the belief that the earth was intentionally created by an almighty force.  Verse 2 reads, "And the earth was without form, and void;  And darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."  So what you have here, from the Creationists side of view, is a beginning in which nothing existed except for God, the all-intelligent designer, who, according to this verse, created the earth and the space around it, though there was still no life upon it, nothing except for water.

Except for the differences between an intentional creation and an accidental bang, the course is the same at this point.  Creationists believe there was an earth with water but no other life.  Evolutionists believe there was an earth with water with no other life in the early stages as well.  Let us move on to verse 3, which says, "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

Bang.  Up until this very moment, all was silent.  There was not the sound of the wind, nor of birds chirping, no voices speaking, no jets flying overhead, nothing.  But then out of nowhere came this big, booming voice that just spoke the words, "Let there be light."  Remember the stillness in the house?  The silence?  Then came the sound of the banging of pots, pans, and bowls clanging on each other and falling onto the floor.  What a sudden burst of sound that must have been!  So I give you two things to consider:

When all is ethereal silence and suddenly the voice of an almighty God bigger than the earth, in fact so much bigger that Isaiah 66:3 described His size as Heaven being His throne and the earth His footstool; when He speaks, you can bet your life that it's going to be the biggest bang known in the history of the universe. 

Now the evolutionists would say originally that the origin of the universe can be traced back to a single primeval atom.  I have no problem with that thought, either.  But I have a question....where did THAT atom come from?  Again, nothing comes from nothing...unless you happen to be a God who happens to specialize in that area of expertise.


  1. Forty years ago there was still controversy between the idea of a steady-state universe (claiming it just always "was" - it never had a beginning - there *was no creator*) and an expanding universe (which had to start at some point in time, implying creation). The atheists favoured the steady state universe, and derisively coined the term "Big Bang" for the expanding universe. They said it couldn't possibly be *really* expanding, that would imply creation, that would imply God. Unfortunately for atheism, the scientific evidence for the Big Bang turned out to be overwhelming. I hear that there are very few atheists in the field of astronomy anymore.

    Meanwhile, more and more powerful telescopes have pushed the scope of human vision of the universe out to 10 billion light years. They cannot see any farther. Ever. At that distance they see the moment of creation, the Big Bang from the inside. It isn't too impressive - it is without form and void, actually - a bit of a buzz on the instruments. But I tremble in awe that we are actually seeing the fingerprint of God as He brought the universe into being.


  2. Thought provoking!!


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