Welcome to My World

Regardless of where we are, life comes at us. If we want to cherish the moments, they tend to pass us by faster than we can savor them. If we would rather skip a day, it seems to linger endlessly. But life is what it is, and we have to make the most of what we have and focus on the good aspects, large or small, to truly relish our life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Counting My Blessings

I have found this new era in my life to be most thought provoking.  I have spent the last few months healing from an injury that could be very commonstance, yet when mingled with just the perfect brew of trouble can cause life altering circumstances.  I have alternated between being bored, sad, angry, frustrated to tears, disconcerted, depressed, and finally, just plain content.  That does not mean to say that I wish to live in my current state for the rest of my life; it simply means that I refuse to mope around mentally just wondering "why" and "when" and "how long" and all those other questions that can entrap a person into hopelessness.

There are some things I find I cannot do regularly anymore for now.  I cannot pick up my two year old daughter off the ground.  I cannot drive a vehicle.  I cannot turn my head quickly.  I cannot lift up a basket of laundry to carry it into the house.  I cannot let my children climb on my back to play horsie.

But there are things I can do.  I can listen to my daughter tell me about her day at school.  I can read with my children cuddled up with me in my bed.  I can watch my son grow ever more tender and caring, considerate of my needs.  I can watch my toddler dance and sing a new song of delight.  I can sit and enjoy these wonders called my children, because I do not have the ability to rise up and do all the housecleaning which is necessary and yet calls me away from my little prodigies.

I am also getting more help with my house.  I am gaining a husband who is ever caring (my son well gets it by watching his father) and more attentive to the little things.  I am watching my children develop better habits with cleaning their rooms and their toys.  I have someone who is able to come over and help me sort things and prioritize my needs.  I am learning how to downsize some of my wants to ensure I have all my necessities.

I am also learning new things and remembering the old.  I am learning once again how to take a nap when I have done too much.  I am learning to listen to my body when it says it has had enough instead of trying to push through one too many jobs.  I am learning how to steal little moments with my children.  I am learning how to take care of myself and let someone else worry about the children from time to time.

I am learning how to see things in a different light.  I am learning how to appreciate the little things in life that I used to take for granted.  I am rediscovering how to look into the sky and see a planet or the Big Dipper.  I am learning the smell of an Easter Lily.  I rejoice when I am able to hug one of my little one's neck without cringing in pain.  Perhaps that is the greatest blessing of all.

I am learning how to appreciate the moments without the pain because of the moments with the pain.  It is in realizing when I am given a precious gift because I have felt life without it that I am ever the more grateful for it.  I am exceedingly thankful for second chances, for I have been given a second, and a third, and more; only this time it is different.  This time I have truly seen the desolation without and the beauty within...and I will never forget.  This is the blessing I have received from the pain.

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